5 Reasons for Switching to Solar


Solar power is a foolproof, reasonable technology that can convert the sun’s energy into energy that you can use to save money and live green. We invite you to reconsider everything you have ever heard about this awesome green source of energy and switch to this Green energy for powering your home now. If you are a fence sitter, here are 5 reasons that will convince you about taking the plunge and switching to solar.

You benefit from increased grid-security     

With solar, you will still have electricity even if your city is hit by a flood or a natural disaster like an earthquake. You can ‘blackout- proof’ your home with solar power and can additionally help out a few more families living close to your home too. There is also the convenience of electricity-independence. You don’t need an electricity provider if you have a solar home. Just do get your solar panels installed and you are good to go.

Solar power is cost-effective 

Solar power is a smart investment for smart homes. Once you have the solar panels installed, you have immediate savings on your electricity bills. According to Solar convertor data, we do know for a fact that monthly electricity bills have dropped exponentially (From Rs. 8,210 before plant installation to just Rs.   495 per month). This means you can notch up a savings of Rs. 7 K on 1000 electric units consumed on an average by converting to solar energy. And, these savings start from the time you have your solar panels installed and go on virtually indefinitely. The future looks very uncertain with traditional power with past trends indicating a further rise in the electricity price per unit going ahead. With solar, you are covered. Solar power insulates you from escalating electricity prices that are forever headed North.

Solar power boosts the value of your house 

The cost of installing solar always pays off for you, especially if you want to sell your home at a profit. Here’s what the stats say- Solar-powered homes are easier to sell. Installing solar panels at home can potentially drive up the value of your by up to 4.1% as compared to a similar house with no solar panels, according to recent research done by Zillow, a US-based real estate information company. Solar energy is a viable financial investment.

We make the solar experience convenient for you  

We make sure that there is no friction in your use of solar technology. We provide turnkey solar solutions to you. This means you don’t have to worry about government subsidy procedures. Thus we do the paperwork, the end-to-end installation after a complete assessment. Our setup times are short too. We take an average of 10 days to install the solar panels, completing the entire setup in 3 weeks flat. You thus can enjoy a one-time investment for lifelong savings. 

You go get the chance to go green with solar power 

The resources that we are currently enjoying come with a time frame. Renewable energy sources are the future. This is the reason the World is united in unleashing the power of renewables and converting to Green Energy. Solar technology is scaling up fast. Engineers are producing solar systems that last longer and are also more cost-effective. This means by being an early solar converter, you will gain more…Just think about that! These are just some of the reasons for getting solar panels for your smart homes. You stand to gain more than just money by converting to Green solar energy.

To know more, please check Hydromo.

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