Sparkle Clean Tech: Automobile Industry Case Study



A multinational group into automotive manufacturing with a total value of US $14.4 billion and presence in more than 100 countries across the globe.


The authorities at the manufacturing facility were unable to handle the reject streams originating in their different processes. Government approvals based on the adherence to discharge standards seemed an uphill task.

Solution Offered

Site-specific customized Zero Liquid Discharge plant catering to the client requirement was conceived and an entire team was chalked out to cater to the different stages of the treatment process. The entire treatment scheme consisted of Effluent Treatment Plant – Clariflocculators – Settling Tanks – Flash Mixers – Ultra Filtration & Reverse Osmosis (Sparkle scope) – Multi Effect Evaporator.

All the waste streams coming out of different parts of the plant were routed to a common Effluent Treatment Plant. The outlet from the Effluent Treatment Plant was further processed in Clariflocculators and flash mixers and a considerable reduction was observed in the BOD, COD and TSS levels.

Further, to cater to the more difficult task of reducing the fine suspensions and TDS in the water, an exhaustive membrane based UF – RO system was laid out with a recovery of almost 92%. Finally, the reject from the RO system (approx 8%) was fed to the MEE for achieving almost 100% recovery.

Result Achieved


The treated water is

  • Flow – 450 cum per day
  • Colourless and Odourless
  • Turbidity < 0.1 Nephlometric Turbidity Units
  • Total Suspended Solids < 0.1 ppm
  • Total Dissolved Solids < 50 ppm


Benefits to client

  • Reduction in freshwater intake leading to cost savings
  • Fully automatic UF – RO system with zero manual intervention
  • Superior membrane quality leading to lower operating cost of the UF system
  • Fully automatic UF system with zero manual intervention
  • Pollution Control Board and Government clearances
  • Small footprint

This content was first posted on the SparkleClean Tech website.

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