5 Important Tips To Procure Right Solution For Air Pollution Control


Today we will elaborate on 5 Important tips to procure the right solution for Air Pollution Control. Have you ever come across a situation when the procured Air Pollution Control System was not found suitable for the given application?  If yes, please continue reading this Blog to know 5 Important Tips to procure the right solution.

Here are the top 5 Important Tips for procuring the right solution to control air pollution.

  1. Always believe in making a proper Enquiry giving tested and measured parameters as input to the package supplier.  This document must include input/output dust concentration, chemical and physical composition of dust, right quantity of gas or air, particle size distribution detail, and other gaseous pollutants besides the General Arrangement drawing of the source showing the available space to position the Air Pollution Control Device.
  2. Always check and ensure the adaptability of the proposed APCD with the given Boiler or another source of pollution in terms of the proper evacuation of gases or air without creating any backpressure.
  3. Always have a plan for the disposal of sludge or effluent in an eco-friendly way.
  4. Always check and assess the requirement of any protection control or change in MOC for the gas side downstream System including duct, fan, and stack.
  5. Last but not the least, you must always be updated on the prevailing norms with forthcoming amendments, if any.

    To know more, please check Enviropol.

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