Pharmaceutical Water and Wastewater Treatment


Water plays an important role in many stages of pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturing; from the production process were meeting several stringent standards of water is a prime requisite and sewage, where treatment of effluents without affecting the environment is also a challenge. Bionics Consortium has been serving pharmaceutical and chemical industries for over 25 years with its high-end water treatment solutions. From manufacturing water purification systems for Water for Injection and USP Purified Water to designing Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), they act as a single source of complete pharmaceutical water treatment service provider.

Bionics customize the right water program to help your operation comply with Indian and International water quality standards in a highly safe, sustainable, and cost-effective manner. For a pharmaceutical production plant, they provide different methods of water treatment, which include multimedia filtration, ion exchange, distillation, reverse osmosis, softening, carbon filtration, UV filtration, and electrodeionization (EDI), etc.

Pharmaceutical Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)

Wastewater generated by Pharmaceutical and personal care industries and Drug manufacturing units contains various solvents, ingredients, and other solid, hazardous wastes. Removing these effluents through traditional methods is not only unsafe but also does not comply with the latest environmental guidelines. At Consortium Pvt. Ltd., using innovative products and services including membrane filtration, reverse osmosis, and activated carbon, etc. Bionics provides a highly effective and safe treatment of effluents. They have the proven technologies that efficiently reduce the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Sulphates in the pharmaceutical effluent.

USP Purified Water Purification Systems

Improve the quality of your USP Water with us. Bionics is a full-service manufacturer of USP water systems in India. Pharmaceutical Water Purification Systems manufactured by their engineering team offer ease of validation and systems integration for the production of a wide variety of drug products. Their USP water systems follow stringent pharmaceutical qualification and validation including URS, QP, DQ, IQ, OQ, and PQ.

Pharmaceutical Water for Injection System

For generating WFI (Water for Injection) for pharmaceutical industries, Bionics offers a comprehensive solution through a range of equipment meeting cGMP guidelines as per FDA and EMEA requirements. They have skills and sources to design and develop systems for generating high-quality Water for Injection (WFI) that meets and exceeds all established purity standards every day of the week, every week of the year. Their WFI systems are partnered with pretreatment applications and documentation to support validation while designing to meet the required capacity of purified water. Our WFI Systems can incorporate all of the monitoring equipment and control devices for the WFI distribution system into a compact skid which is assembled, integrated into a single PLC system, and factory tested. Documentation for all components is also incorporated into a comprehensive turnover package.

To know more, please check Bionics

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