Air Pollution Control Norms In India And For Other Countries


Mechanism of Operation Involved in Air Pollution Control Norms

  • To control air pollution in India and other countries have imposed norms and major initiative for example in Indian is implemented by central pollution control boards and the ministry of environments. The act available includes prevention and control of pollution acts 1981, environment protection act 1986, and occupational health act 1987.

Unique Features of Air Pollution Control Norms

  • Emission air pollution control standards have been developed for major industries in India and other countries. Supervise the full implementation to the industries that are highly pollutants like a power plant, steel plant, woodworking, re-rolling, and brick kiln. Impose penalty and canceling of the industries that are not conforming to air pollution acts and regulations. The pollution control boards are very active in taking strict actions on the polluting industries in India and other countries. They are implemented by independent bodies. All new industries and businesses have to evaluated and issued with NOC after conforming to norms and installing the pollution control devices.

Why Use Air Pollution Control Norms in Industrial Operations?

  • Some industrial pollutant is very corrosive and may interfere with the day to day operation of the industries such as speeding up the rate of rust, unhealthy conditions for the workers as are exposed to many severe diseases. Through air pollution control norms many industries have eradicated air pollutants such as gases like hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, dust, and particle emitted into the air. This has increased the morale confidence and trust of the worker as they are able to work freely without any health hazards to fear. They help to reduce air pollution in industrial operations and set quality standards. They also help the industries in maximizing the returns through recycling and minimizing wastage.

Need for Quality Air Pollution Control Norms in Minimizing Pollutions in Industries

  • It has been noticed that due to economic growth globally many industries have continued to increase in an unplanned manner which has resulted in great air pollution problems. The air pollution emitted by the industries is overwhelming and endangering the living organisms as well as leading to global climate change. There are great needs for quality standards norms of minimizing and cleaning environments. If air pollution is not controlled effectively may lead to many death and ozone layer destruction that are hazardous and dangerously.

Quality Aspects of Using Air Pollution Control Norms in India and Other Countries

  • They ensure all pollutant emitted from the industries are controlled and managed effectively in protecting a clean environment free from dangerous emission that leads to health problems. They ensure penalty and stop industries that violate and eliminate air pollutants such as gases and particles. The zero rates the air pollution in India and other countries by 98%which is recommendable.

Technological Advancements on Air Pollution Norms in Indian and Other Countries

  • Many countries employ a multi-tiered advance in managing air pollution. They employ a mix of technological advancements based requirements and health-based limitations. These technological advancements are cost-effective in reducing air pollution as are based on the broad emission limit that all the industries are accepted to meet.

Cost Advantages of Using Air Pollution Control Norms in Chemical Industries


  • The rapid growth of industries in India and other countries as a result of economical development has increased air pollution to a higher extent. India has emerged as the greatest investment and manufacturing destination for many international companies as well as the Indian one. The consequences of air pollution emitted by industries have resulted in deteriorated quality air in India and other countries.

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