Package Sewage Treatment & Recycle Plants

Era Hydrobiotech is a Supplier of: Package Sewage Treatment & Recycle Plants

How much water we need :

To satisfy our day to day water need, (considering 135 liter/person/day usage), our usage of water broadly distributed as

It is surprising to fact that about 50 % of water which we use for Gardening & Toilet flushing does not need potable quality water. This water requirement can be very well replaced with Recycles water source.

To achieve this water conservation, we implement

  • Sewage Treatment & Recycle systems
  • Greywater recycle plants

Sewage treatment & recycle systems :

Sewage generated from human activities contains 1 % impurities & 99 % water. These 1 % impurities comprises of

  • Organic matter
  • Suspended solids
  • Pathogens
  • Oil & grease
Figure 1
To remove these pollutants & make this water fit for gardening or Toilet flushing, we provide package as well as tailor-made sewage treatment recycle plants based on SAFF / MBBR / FAB / SBR technology
  • SAFF/FAB /SBR technology
  • Conventional Activated/Extended aeration systems
  • MBR systems to get bacteria-free water
  • Chemical Oxidation plants for small flows
  • Anaerobic treatment systems

Having conservator’s outlook, our main focus while designing these plants is on SAFF / MBBR / FAB / SBR technology

  • Low operating cost
  • Smaller footprints
  • User-friendly & having ease in maintenance
  • To achieve recyclable water quality
  • Low on noise pollution

Greywater recycle plants :

Greywater, fairly good water quality source ( in comparison with sewage water)generated from Bathing, laundry activities can be brought back in to reuse to satisfy of non –potable water needs such as

  • Gardening
  • Toilet flushing
  • Car wash
  • Fire fighting
  • Any other nonpotable water usage application

This water source is contaminated due to a minor amount of organics, human hair & suspended solids.

Era Hydrobiotech supplies eco-friendly greywater systems ( Trishna) so that treated water can be brought back in to reuse.

To know more, please check Era Hydrobiotech.

Sewage Treatment
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