Ballistic Separator


A ballistic separator, as the name indicates is a high load segregating device that separates wastes of different kinds. It consists of parallel agitating paddles and a deck that oscillate at high speed so as to sort a stream of waste passed through it. Waste products having similar shapes and sizes are separated from the rest in two or three fractions, for example, the stones, C&D waste (Construction & Demolition waste), glass, and metal substances are easily separated from the reusable paper, plastic, cardboard, and other recyclable products along with RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) while the rest minus material is separated.

They can also sort fine particles which, with the optional variable screen openings, can be collected separately. In addition to being durable and accurate, with additional features that boost performance, the Ballistic Separators from DCC are newly designed and customized based on the client’s requirements.


DCC ballistic separator is the best choice at low cost and with good availability, for an efficient sorting operation.

  • Ballistic separators from DCC are designed to separate biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste solids.
  • By adjusting the rotational speed, the conveying speed, the ballistic separation, and the degree of material mixing can be modified.
  • A separation accuracy of 90% can be obtained.

An electrical gear motor powers the machine thus making us one of the most reliable ballistic separators manufacturers in India.


The ballistic separators are separated by the number of paddles that decide the surface of the screening and the flow of material processed from the separator.

4 Paddles: the smallest ballistic separator type of ballistic separator. It may be used in small plants or to improve the efficiency of the collection, in conjunction with an air separator.

8 Paddles: an intermediate variant that can also be supplied with oversized paddles in an edition, to raise the screening surface while retaining the same number of paddles and to increase the total dimensions marginally. From the option of cardboard > A4 to the distinction between bottles (3D) and film (2D) in the plastic flood, the functions that this system can perform are various.

12 Paddles: a model designed to satisfy the specifications of waste sorting plants with large flow rates; available with regular and oversized paddles; the latter leads to a system with an internal working diameter of 4300 mm and a screening surface of 24 m2.

16 Paddles is one of the world’s largest ballistic separators. A separator with an internal diameter of almost 6 meters and a screening area of ⁇ 32 m2 to satisfy the specifications of systems with increasing flow rates (50 + t / h sorting lines).


  1. Fast production
  2. Less wear & tear
  3. Separated 3 Fractions of Material
  4. Easy to maintain
  5. Low power consumption
  6. Low manpower requirement
  7. Long-lasting bearing system
  8. Easy and low maintenance
  9. closed system for clean machine environment
  10. Various modification choices e.g. angle of inclination, machine speed and screen plates
  11. Low consumption of energy & self-cleaning brushes
  12. Maintenance openings supported by gas springs allow convenient accessibility.


  1. Should be used for Bigger size fraction & not less than 20mm size.
  2. Ballistic separators are quite space-consuming. Though we at DCC Ballistic separator ensure to make it customer-friendly with easy availability at a low cost still these are quite noneconomical for low quantity waste processing system.


  1. Majorly should be used as a primary segregator.

To know more, please check DCC.


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