Chlorine Dioxide Generator


What is Chlorine Dioxide?

It is a yellowish-green gas with high solubility in water and is a very powerful oxidizing chemical. It is highly unstable and hence cannot be stored or transported in bulk. Above certain concentrations in the air it is explosive and hence needs to be generated at the site with due precautions.

Chlorine Dioxide – What you can’t say from its name. All water treatment starts with water disinfection. IONIC realized disinfecting water properly is as important as treating water and is offering a unique and cost-effective solution for water disinfection.

We have developed fully automatic Chlorine Dioxide generators for water disinfection. CLO2 is 2.5 times more powerful than conventional Chlorine.

Salient Features of Chlorine Di Oxide :


There are numerous advantages of chlorine dioxide over disinfectants, notably chlorine, including:

Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has a higher disinfection potential than chlorine and is 2.5 times more powerful than chlorine.

No pH dependence – Chlorine dioxide is an effective disinfectant, even at high pH levels where chlorine loses much of its disinfection potential.

No THM formation – Unlike chlorine, chlorine dioxide does not combine with humic or fulvic acids in surface (river) water to form trihalomethanes, suspected carcinogens.

No combination with ammonia – Chlorine dioxide does not combine with the ammonia in water, like chlorine, requiring smaller doses to achieve disinfection.

No chlorophenol formation – Chlorine combines with phenols to form chlorophenols, causing taste and odor problems. Chlorine dioxide destroys phenols, eliminating many tastes and odor problems.

Oxidization of iron and manganese – Chlorine dioxide rapidly oxidizes soluble iron and manganese to an insoluble state for flocculation and filtration. Chlorine alone takes days to oxide manganese, and cannot oxidize chelated iron.

Oxidizes sulfides without high pH – Sulfide oxidation using chlorine requires high pH to prevent the formation of colloidal sulfur, which can plug up equipment. Chlorine dioxide may be used over a broad pH range (5-9) without colloidal sulfur formation.

No loss due to storage – Chlorine concentration in a tank of 12.5% sodium hypochlorite solution is subject to varying decay rates based on ambient conditions. Sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid may be stored for more than a year without significant decay.

There are many methods to produce ClO2. Most other ClO2 systems mix chlorine gas and sodium Chloride or they use acid mixed with Sodium Hypochlorite to release chlorine gas and sodium chlorite.

To know more, please check Ionic.

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