Continuous Emission Monitor EM919

Emission Monitor model EM919 is an indigenous product for measuring dust concentration. This device operates on the principle of an optical transmissometer, using a single pass of a divergent light beam. It can be installed directly on the outlet stack. The dust concentration is measured depending upon the amount of light blocked by suspended particles in the exhaust gas. Advanced techniques are effectively used to detect & compensate for errors due to ambient light as well as stationary dust giving accurate emission readings. The unique design of the Swirling Chamber ensures effective cleaning of lenses. Due to its unique algorithm of time-based accumulation of opacity, the EM919 can give emission per normalized gas volume (i.e. in mg/Nm3)


  • In-situ measurement
  • Real-time operation
  • High-intensity Red LED transmitter which
  • Eliminates error of steam
  • Leads to Effective detection of the ambient light
  • Effective detection of stationary dust on the lens
  • Single-pass diverging beam
  • Immune to minor alignment variations
  • State-of-the-art microprocessor technology
  • Reading in mg/Nm3
  • Calibration check for every reading
  • Maintenance alarm if excessive dust coating on lenses.
  • Hermetically sealed enclosures for the electronics
  • High-pressure blowers to keep the lenses clean
EM919 Building Blocks:

Core Components (per stack):

Basic Unit EM919 Blower Unit BP919
  • Transmitter unit
  • Receiver & CPU unit
  • Blower Panel with distribution subassembly
  • Blower hoses
To know more, please check Ionization Filteration Industries.
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