Dust Monitoring


An objective of ambient air quality monitoring programs is to gauge the deterioration of air quality caused by local human activity. All microorganisms responsible for causing a large number of pathogen-caused respiratory, eye, and skin diseases, various allergens, fibrous materials, heavy metals, metallic fumes, and even many organic carcinogens are present in the air in the form of suspended particulates.  It is for this reason that TSP (Total Suspended Particulate) or SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter) in the air has been world-over considered a “Criteria Parameter” to indicate air quality.  Health effects are caused primarily by respirable particulates in the size range of 0.3 to 10 microns.


Suspended Particulate Matter defines Ambient Air Quality. High volume samplers, used for monitoring Total SPM are in widespread use all over the world to measure air pollution in industrial areas, urban areas, on the shop floor, near monuments, and other sensitive areas.

PM 10

Particulate matter of size less than 10 microns in the ambient air is classified as respirable dust.   PM 10 irritates human airways, especially among asthmatics and the elderly, so its monitoring was made mandatory under NAAQS, 1998. The PM 10 Dust Sampler was introduced by Envirotech with technology from NEERI Nagpur in 1992.

Today the company produces several models APM460, 460BL, 460NL and 460DXNL which form the backbone of the National Ambient Air Monitoring Program.

PM 2.5

Dust particles of size less than 2.5 microns are considered as Fine Dust. These particles penetrate deeply into the lungs and lead to a number of health impacts like breathing problems, burning or sensation in the eyes, etc. Monitoring of PM 2.5 was made mandatory under NAAQS, 2009

PM 1

Particulate matter of size less than 1 micron is considered as Ultra-fine dust particles. When inhaled, PM1 particles travel to the deepest area of the lungs, where a significant part of them passes through the cell membranes of the alveoli, enter the bloodstream, damage the inner walls of arteries, penetrate tissue in the cardiovascular system, and potentially spread to organs.

Heavy Metals

​Almost all heavy metals have serious & chronic adverse health effects. These are carcinogenic in nature & very lethal to health. Standards have been notified for them in the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) of November 2009.

To know more, please check Envirotech India

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