Enva: ScotRail and Enva introduce new recycling Superheroes


ScotRail and Enva have revealed the winners of a poster competition to design a recycling Superhero to encourage rail passengers to recycle using the bins provided.

The judges were unanimously impressed by the creativity and imagination of the young entrants, making the decision to choose the winners extremely tough.

The winning entries are:

Enva and ScotRail jointly launched the ‘Design a Recycling Superhero’ competition to coincide with Recycle Week 2021, the annual UK-wide campaign to raise awareness of the importance of recycling.

Recycling is one of the easiest everyday actions people can take to reduce their carbon footprint, and it is hoped that ScotRail customers will take inspiration from the young artists – reminding them to recycle when out and about, at home or in the workplace.

Cara Miller, Enva Sector Head, said: “From the recognition that Recycling is a global challenge, to empowering passengers on trains to make recycling their Superpower, to harnessing magnetism to float litter into a bin – our three winners’ ideas really captured our imaginations.”

Nicole Tyson, ScotRail Sustainability Manager, said: “The thought, effort, and enthusiasm for recycling that went into the poster creations was evident. They are a fresh perspective to remind us of the simplicity of recycling whilst on the go.”

Congratulations to Ava, Josh and Naya!


This content was originally published on Enva.


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