Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plants, WWTP, Recycle Systems

Era Hydro-Biotech is a Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter of Industrial Wastewater treatment & Recycle Systems, WWTP. They also provide Annual Maintenance Contract ( AMC Services ), Retrofitting Services for our product range and our setup is situated in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Manufacturer Of: Industrial Wastewater treatment & Recycle Systems

  • Industry & Agriculture is the backbone of any developing country.
  • However to run the Industry, usage of natural resources such as Water & energy is unavoidable

In today’s scenario, pollution due to industrial influents, gases, etc is causing a very adverse impact on the present ecosystem & it has stretched to its maximum recovery limits.

To achieve healthy growth of industrialization, we offer our state of art based Effluent treatment system which not only treats the wastewater to its acceptable limits but also can be recycled back for appropriate usage.

Industrial Waste water treatment & Recycle Systems
To take care of this wastewater we offer treatment plants to treat pollutants such as

To remove these pollutants & make this water fit for gardening or Toilet flushing, we provide package as well as tailor-made sewage treatment recycle plants based on

  • SAFF / FAB / SBR technology
  • Conventional Activated/Extended aeration systems
  • MBR systems to get bacteria-free water
  • Chemical Oxidation plants for small flows
  • Anaerobic treatment systems

Having conservator’s outlook, our main focus while designing these plants is on

  • Low operating cost
  • Smaller footprints
  • User-friendly & having ease in maintenance
  • To achieve recyclable water quality
  • Low on noise pollution

Greywater recycle plants :
Greywater, fairly good water quality source ( in comparison with sewage water ) generated from Bathing, laundry activities can be brought back in to reuse to satisfy our non –potable water needs such as

  • Gardening
  • Toilet flushing
  • Car wash
  • Fire fighting
  • Any other non-potable water usage application

To know more, please check Era Hydro-Biotech

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