Municipal Waste Treatment Air Scrubber


Product Description:

Municipal waste treatment generates a large amount of odorous and foul-smelling gases including Hydrogen sulfide, Mercaptans, etc and needs to be treated before it spreads to the atmosphere. Apex Bio Scrubber for municipal waste treatment facilities is an environmentally friendly scrubber that works on the principle of anaerobic digestion of organic components by bacteria. These organic components generated in wastewater treatment plants, waste landfills, etc..are readily digested by bacteria grown in a constrained environment with a proper supply of enzymes and nutrients.

Bio scrubber or Biofilter is the most economical solution for effective treatment of some organic components and the scrubber lasts for 10 to 20 years without much maintenance costs. Bio scrubber though a cost-efficient solution to odor control but has some limitations. Bio scrubber will not work in treating hot gases, will require a large floor area, will not work fine if exhaust gas contains dust.

Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in the design and commissioning of Bioscrubbers and other industrial air pollution control equipment, hoods, ducting, Centrifugal Blowers. And are looking forward to providing you end-to-end, complete turnkey solutions to your odor & Air pollution control needs in municipal waste treatment plants.

Operations of Bio-scrubber:


>Air Flow: upto 30,000 CFM

Efficiency: up to 98% capturing efficiency

MOC: Mild Steel / SS 304 / SS316 / FRP / PP / PVC

Customization: Yes, customization available to suit your needs.


Centrifugal Blower, Spiral Ducts, Flexible duct, Suction hoods, biofilter media, etc.

To know more, please check Apzem.

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