

OlfoSense® is a versatile tool for environmental monitoring, air monitoring, and odor monitoring on large territorial scales, to be installed at the sources of odor emissions or at the perimeter of chemical plants, petrochemical plants, or composting plants.

OlfoSense® is an “Intelligent Multi-Sensor Array” and it’s born from our research and development team, in close collaboration with Airsense Analytics. The instrument is an IOMS (Instrumental Odor Monitoring System) which measures odor dispersions and the concentration of unpleasant odors and gases.
OlfoSense® can be interfaced with our platform for the simulation of dispersion air pollutants and the fallout of odors and pollutants and is able to provide a real-time view of the impact generated on the territory and odor concentration.

Water purification plantscomposting plantschemical or petrochemical plantsaerobic and anaerobic digestion plants involve high risks of environmental impact: thanks to OlfoSense® and its alarm system, it is possible to intervene immediately in the event of exceeding the concentration thresholds in all those realities that must keep their emissions under control, also due to sector regulations.

In some of the most important European and Asian capitals, such as Singapore and Tianjin, OlfoSense® measures the odor level and the most important chemical parameters coming from vehicular traffic and industrial emissions 24 hours a day.

One of the most important aspects is a remote control and real-time visualization of the environmental impact: each OlfoSense unit sends measurement data to the central server and users manage the situation through a dedicated online platform, which is also able to receive alarms in case of exceeding the set attention thresholds.

The instrument is dedicated to the measurement of Odor concentration (expressed in OUE / m3), VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) H2SNH3PM10PM2.5PM1.
Incorporates the following detectors:

  • 4 MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductors)
  • PID (Photoionization Detector)
  • ECD (Electrochemical detectors)
  • OPC (Optical Particle Counter), “Light Scattering” principle.
  • Meteorological Station
  • Dispersion Modelling [SMIT (Multimodal system of spatial information)].

OlfoSense® can carry out, with the support of a meteorological station, the modeling of the dispersion of pollutants through the SMIT (Multimodal system of spatial information) platform.

To know more, please check PCA.

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