Organic Digester by Vermigold


The Organic Digester® has been designed and developed by Tat-G Corp Pty Ltd, Australia, and manufactured in India by Vermigold Ecotech Pvt Ltd. Our modular system comes in organic waste processing capacities ranging from 50Kg/day to 2000Kg/day. The Vermigold Vermi-composter is featured by the Govt. of India, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs in its advisory on decentralized composting as part of the Swachh Bharat Mission. Our system has been included in the Govt. of Australia, NSW State, Better Practice Guidelines for Waste Management and Recycling in Commercial and Industrial Facilities.


The Vermigold® Organic Waste Digester® is a continuous flow in-vessel vermicomposter. It is designed to provide continuous processing of organic waste materials using ‘in situ earthworm processing technology based on sound vermiculture principles. There is a 90% waste reduction. It is a highly engineered unit that overcomes the drawbacks of conventional composting to give real benefits to the end-user and the environment. The Organic Digester® is a compact system and requires minimal footprint. The hassle-free – no-nuisance operations ensure that system can be operated successfully at all times.


The Vermigold® Organic Waste Digester® utilizes a proven natural process of vermicomposting to decompose organic waste in an accelerated and controlled manner. Organic waste is converted into fully mature high nutrient compost as per MoEFCC (Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change) norms in a period of 8-10 days. This high nutrient vermicompost and liquid fertilizer generated can be used directly for gardening. The fully mature compost does not require any further curing. There are no greenhouse gas emissions. Our waste management system has the lowest power consumption of all automated composters available. No consumables are required for operations.


The Vermigold® Organic Digester® has won multiple National and International awards from discerning judges for its innovative environment-friendly technology. It is featured by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) as an Environmentally Sound Technology (EST). This is an elegant urban solution for hygienic waste management. Our installations include residential complexes, corporate offices, industrial canteens, hotels & resorts, clubs, and educational institutions. These installations range from open areas, enclosed rooms to underground basements. Our system enables Green Buildings to achieve Green Building Certification.

The Vermigold Organic Waste Shredder complements the Organic Digester to reduce the particulate size of the organic waste making it suitable for further aerobic vermicomposting. The fully stainless steel shredder provides high shredding capacity on a minimal footprint. The shredder is designed to process a range of compostable organics including food waste, bones, garden waste, paper, and cardboard waste. It comes in a range of capacities from 2Hp to 10Hp with shredding capacity ranging from 50kg/hour to 600kg/hour. The shredder conforms to industrial safety norms and has high reliability. It is engineered for maintenance-free operations.

To know more, please check Vermigold Ecotech.

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