Planet Before Profit


The question of Profit before Planet is not tenable anymore. It is too selfish to think of Wealth at the cost of the Planet. Unfortunately, it is still not sinking in our mind @ speed at which it should except Greta Thunberg (Sweden), Adelaide Charlier (Belgium), Luisa Neubauer (Germany), Xie Bastida (Mexico), Prof Johan Rockstrom, the most influential Earth Scientist (Sweden) and David Attenborough (UK).

Let’s have some quick assessment of Environmental damages and consequences we are staring at, as demonstrated by the following.

The Nobel Prize summit on April 21, declared Planetary Emergency signed by 126 Nobel laureates, is a world record. Never before have we seen such a Global uprising of Nobel prize winners. Their biggest concerns are.

       a. If we have any chance to prevent the loss of more than a million species, we must halt biodiversity loss now, not in 20 or 30 years.

       b. If we want to have any chance of keeping global warming to 1.5 degrees C, we need to cut emissions by half over the next nine years.

      c.  If the warming exceeds the Paris agreement target of 2 degrees C the Planet start drifting towards uninhabitable state (Hothouse Earth) and over 4      deg C it will be Catastrophic.

However, our best hope against such catastrophe is that Ocean might be able to continue buffering and clean up by mopping up the damage done to the climate system.

We can’t afford to give up for our generations to come. We should minimize confusing the Society with sophisticated terms about uncertainty ranges and probability levels.

FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE, TREE-HUGGERS, GREENPEACE, and other Frontier Activists are trying to tip this whole thing over with limited success so far. It the most heartening to see the youth movement as fantastic proof of transformation we see right now in front of our eyes. The latest surprising development is Court ordered Shell to cut the Carbon emission target by 50%. Chevron and ExxonMobil are forced to induct Climate activists in their Board so that they start taking big steps to protect Planet as their Environmental commitment.

The biggest positive development seen recently is that the three biggest economies, the US, China, and the EU, along with other allies like Japan, Korea, etc., are committed to Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (US and EU) and 2060 (China). The other most influential development is the Net Zero Banking alliance in 2021 during the last Climate summit.

The notable green shoots in the space of Innovation and Business are worth having a quick look at—impossible Foods commercially offering Plant-based meats, our best bets to cutoff Methane from Live stocks. The Honey without bees and Milk Without Cows are the most exciting technologies based on Microbiology in the Startup domain. There are a few Carbon dioxide capturing technologies that are already getting piloted and scaled up. Tata is formally entering into the Biorefinery business. Clean-Energy is the biggest focus. The Generation involves Solar, Wind technologies coupled with Battery Storage Technology (Lithium-ion and related technology). In Automotive, the Electric, Hybrid, and Fuel cell Technologies are scaling up fast. One of the most exciting development is Hydrogen fuel for Industry; Europe is investing heavily in Hydrogen infrastructure and Hydrogen Production Technology. So Clean- Economy is fast emerging as the preferred choice.

So “GREENING YOUR BUSINESS PROFITABLY” (A Harvard Business Review Book) is getting implemented worldwide. Must read: Standing Up for a Sustainable World.

To know more, please check Biocrux.

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