Solid Waste Management System in India



Today the Indian government is very actively promoting Swachh Bharat Abhiyan but managing the increasing solid waste has been the biggest concern for Municipal authorities. This solid waste is creating serious health issues and also disturbing the balance of the environment. The traditional way of managing and monitoring the waste collection from bin to bin and doing everything manually is a very complicated and tough process and here probability of getting the wrong information is more. Thus, the need for a robust solid waste management system arises, where an authority can get information right from filling of garbage bins, picking up of bins by the waste-collecting vehicles, and movement of those vehicles to the waste dumping sites.

The top ten solid waste management companies ranking remained the same from 2009, and all of those firms posted revenue increases from the previous year. And, looking farther down the list, the rankings are populated with companies that did the same work.

ICT Based Solid Waste Management System

Convexicon’s One of the key components of the undertaking is an ICT-based solid waste management system. In the scenery of provoking progression, information, and communication technology (ICT) has turned into an inescapable part of the plan and structure of present-day solid waste management (SWM) systems. This study shows a basic audit of the current ICTs and their utilization in SWM systems to unfurl the issues and difficulties towards utilizing coordinated advanced based systems. The major subject of the project is an ICT based on Solid Waste Management and ICTs are isolated into four classes, for example, spatial innovations, ID advances, information securing advances, and information correspondence advance. Convection is trying to push our waste management system from linear to a circular economy.


For making smart cities Municipal corporations need a smart solution also. We at Convexicon have developed an advanced smart system wherein with the help of GPS, RFID Readers, and RFID tags remote monitoring of the whole waste collection process can be done. The waste collection vehicles will be fitted with GPS devices and RFID readers. All the bins will be RFID tags fitted.

Convexicon Facilitate -IOT

GPS Tracking Devices

RFID Readers


Bin level sensors


GIS Data Capturing:

A team of field engineers captures bin locations and route data with the help of handheld GPS devices. This data is displayed on the maps.

GPS Installation:

All the vehicles and machines involved in the waste collection process are fitted with high-quality GPS devices. These vehicles are then assigned the wards and routes they are supposed to serve.

RFID Reader installations and Bin Tagging:

All the waste-collecting vehicles are fitted with RFID readers as shown in the image below. Also, the bins are tagged with RFID tags and their geo-location in the different wards are added into the System.

Web Interface:

Highly scalable and secure application to monitor all the on-field activity of Solid Waste Management.


With the application municipal authorities will be able to do the following

  • Tracking, monitoring, planning, and management of Vehicles.
  • Trip Planning.
  • Route Planning.
  • Bin Cleaning Planning.
  • Bin pick/cleaning status with GPS, RFID reader, and tags.
  • Active /In-Active Vehicles status.
  • Citizen Complaint Page
  • MIS


Most Important benefits will be:

  • Live status update of all cleaning vehicles on Map
  • Actual status of Bins collected across the city
  • Better utilization of the resources
  • Cleaner and better city

To know more, please check Convexicon.

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