Waste Water Treatment


Water is a Prime Natural Resource, a basic human need, and a precious asset. Water is so important to human existence, that it has been called “Elixir of Life” which literally means “Amrit”. This statement cannot be underestimated considering the fact that the Human body is 75% water, the brain comprises 85% water, and blood is 92% water! However, equally paradoxical is the fact that of all the water available on our planet, only 1% is available for freshwater uses which support life!!

The use of water by mankind, plants, and animals is universal. Common sources of freshwater are rainwater, surface water (in the form of rivers, lakes, etc), groundwater, and water obtained from reclamation. Water maintains an ecological balance in the relationship between living things and the environment in which they live.

The use of water is increasing rapidly with our growing population & Industrialization. With indiscriminate use and wastage, both the quantity of water available through various means has dwindled and its quality impaired. Hence it is imperative to conserve water as much as possible. Wastewater should be treated and disposed of off in a systematic and scientific manner so as to maintain ecological balance and ensure sustainable development.

 Eros is aware of this most important need and fully committed to providing performance-oriented Waste Water Treatment Plants to help conserve water. Wastewater can be generated from both domestic use (sewage) and industrial applications (trade effluent). It can have varying degrees of pollution depending upon the source of generation and hence customized treatment schemes both in terms of capacity and line of treatment are needed to be adopted.


Sewage is the term used for wastewater that is generated in the daily domestic chores related to sanitation, bathing, washing, cooking, etc. it is basically water-carried waste, but consists of more than 99% of water.

This Sewage finds its way back into the environment and as its constituents are biodegradable, they breakdown and are assimilated. However, with the ever-increasing population and usage of water, sewage is produced at a rate many times higher than the rate at which it can naturally be absorbed in the environment. Hence, it’s imperative and also legally necessary that all sewage should be treated before its disposal so that it does not pollute the environment.

EROS recognizes this urgent need for action and has a range of solutions for comprehensively handling this problem and helping communities/industries pre-serve this precious resource.


Sewage Treatment is not only imperative for preserving our natural resources, it is also required so by the law. Following requires treatment of sewage generated, before its discharge:

  • Residential Colonies, Apartments, Farm Houses, etc.
  • Schools, Colleges, Hostels, etc.
  • Hospitals
  • Hotels, Malls, Restaurants, Resorts, etc.
  • Industrial Units (apart from effluent treatment, if applicable)
  • Other Kinds of institutional or community buildings like large temples etc.

To know  more, please check Eros Envirotech

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