What Is Water Positive Or Water Quality Audit? & Why It Is Important?


According to the World Bank, Water loss is a critical global problem. Today governments, communities, and businesses’ water systems face several challenges including old infrastructure. Not only water loss but water should be audit for the growing regulatory requirements, water quantity, and quality concerns, and insufficient resources.

A water audit is a crucial method to determine the water loss, or we can say quantifying the water flows. For the simple or complex system in a residential or commercial area with a point to reduce the water usage water balance audit or water quality audit can be done. There is one other word that is defined- water positive. When a commercial or residential development is creating more water than they are using is called water positive.

There are three important ways in which a residential or commercial entity can become water positive.

  • Improving Consumption
  • Reusing As Much Water As Possible
  • Collecting And Recollecting

A Brief About Water Quality Audit & Water Balance Audit


Water Quality Audit:

  • Water quality is the physical, chemical, and biological condition of the water as Applied to a specific use. To measure water quality thousand of off-Site visits each year to collect water quality and biological samples to support the Water Quality Audit.
  • The sampling results are used to guide resource assessment and environmental restoration initiatives.
  • It also takes full advantage of the investment in Environmental monitoring by continuous improvements and developing innovative approaches to optimize field sample collection.
  • Also, it is involved in developing new monitoring programs and negotiating Water quality permit conditions to help with indefinite-quantity monitoring inefficiency.

Water Balance Audit

  • A water balance audit is used to find out how much water is being lost or not included in a water arrangement system. In order to make this resolution, information about the amount of water produced is compared to the amount of water distributed and billed. Knowing the amount of water loss is extremely important to water sources.
  • Water is precious goods, and the water distribution system is a part of every city’s serious infrastructure. Overusing water or improperly billing for water damage the whole system. Water balance audits are recommended yearly to control water is used as efficiently as possible.
  • It can be performed on a large scale for a city or a state as well as on a smaller scale for provision projects, commercial enterprises, and buildings. A water audit can identify good use and unnecessary waste. It improves financial performance and also improves knowledge of the distribution system.

To know more, please check Chokhavatia.

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