Why Need for Processing of Waste Plastic?


Plastic is an essential part of our life. Due to its usefulness, it has become an integral part of almost every sector. With a number of advantages associated, one of the major limitations is its non-degradable property. Today more than 60% of our plastic waste is still dumped into the landfill.

* Conversion Technology

The machine effectively reverses the plastic production process, where the Thermo Catalytic Depolymerization (TCD) process cracks the long chains of polymer to produce useable fuel. The waste plastic is cleaned and shredded into small pieces before Thermo Catalytic Depolymerization (TCD) process, to remove contaminants like paper, oil, grease, food particles, etc. This is important as it increases the efficiency of the machine and subsequently the quality of the fuel. During the startup, depending on the availability the natural gas/ LPG or diesel is used. During the process, the heat output is monitored to maximize the consistency of the fuel. The process is a batch type process, which takes between 3 to 7 hours to complete depending on the capacity of the machine

The Thermo Catalytic Depolymerization (TCD) process: performed within a heated sealed reactor. The reactor is loaded with shredded plastic and is heated and the catalyst helps in cracking the long chains of polymers in the absence of oxygen to produce hydrocarbon vapors. The plastic depolymerized at 380 – 430oC and the gases are condensed. The condensed vapor produces the fuel and synthetic gases, out of which the syngas used as an energy source for the further heating of the reactor. This synthetic gas, which is a byproduct is passed through a scrubber and cleaned before being used as a heating source; helping improve the efficiency of the process. The fuel passes through the filtration system before it’s collected. The Non-plastic material and non-depolymerized plastic settles at the bottom of the reactor, collected after the shift or during weekly maintenance.

Depolymerization: Depolymerisation is the process of molecular decomposition when large molecules split into smaller molecules. The waste plastic is converted into usable end product: synthetic oil, gas, and carbon. Depolymerisation is thermo-catalytic decomposition or cracking of polymers in absence of oxygen. The Depolymerisation process is pollution-free. There are no harmful gases or effluents generated in the process.

* Rudra Fuel Output *

The machine converts waste plastic into fuel and cleaned synthetic gas. The exact recovery ratio and characteristics of the fuel vary depending on the types of plastic received.

Each ton of plastics produces approximately

  • => 600 to 650 liters of poly fuel
  • => 20 to 25% synthetic gas – used in the process
  • => 5 to 10% moisture
  • => 5 to 10% Residual char – can be used as ad road filler with bitumen.

The produced fuel is used directly for the burning in kerosene stoves, boilers, furnaces, certain types of gensets, etc. The char produced, as the contamination of waste plastic is a non-hazardous waste.

As a result, a key advantage of this process is that the plastic wastes do not need to be pre-sorted, cleaned, or dried prior to processing, which in turn significantly reduces the overall cost of operation.

To know more, please check Rudra Environment Solutions.

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