Electrostatic Precipitator


There was a time when smoke billowing out of a chimney was considered to be a sign of industrialization. In today’s environmentally cautious age—even the analysis of suspended particles in “visibly clean” gas is mandatory.

ESP has proved itself time & again to be the most economical equipment for handling high volume gas. Thus making it the first choice for various industries.

With an ever-increasing number of industrial processes, the importance of the ESP has increased considerably.

The latest advancements in Electronic Control Systems have proved themselves in enhancing the reliability & performance of the ESPs. IFI brings the latest in ESP Technology right to your doorstep to fulfill the ever-increasing needs of the industry.

Designed to Out-Perform

The Engineering team at IFI—drawing inputs from its years of combined experience has designed, engineered & manufactured the ESP to meet the latest industry standards. High Reliability of this design sources its strength from:

  • Advanced Flow Studies.
  • Unmatched Rapping Density
  • Highest impact accelerating.

Optimum Electrical Charging for Changing process conditions. Application-specific rigid emitter design that can produce ultimate corona density. The maintenance aspect is reduced to its minimum by the emitters ruggedness & High Alumina Electrical insulators with strength next to diamond.

Unmatched Rapping Density

The construction of the ESP is such that each collecting plate can be provided with tumbling hammers in all four corners. The combination of different hammer weights & numbers per plate can produce the rapping density an application requires.

Top Rapping accommodates expansions

The suspension point of both the electrodes and the rapping shaft axis being the same, the expansion of the casing or the electrodes does not pose any misalignment. This arrangement is unique where virtually any amount of expansions are accommodated.

This makes its one of the most formidable design for high temps suspension point of both the electrodes and the rapping shaft axis being the same, the expansion of the casing or the electrodes does not pose any misalignment.

This arrangement is unique where virtually any amount of expansions are accommodated. This makes its one of the most formidable design for high-temperature applications.

Highest acceleration for impact

Both the electrodes—emitter & Collectors—are suspended through pin joints. All the impact energy of the hammer is transferred to the electrodes & no vibrations are experienced by the structure.

This ensures perfect impact acceleration for the purpose of dislodging the dust. The hanging arrangement is a “Four Bar Mechanism”. This helps in transmitting the impact of the hammers without any loss.

Rigid Emitting Electrodes in rigid frames

The Ionisation process is governed by the Corona Generation in an ESP. The specially designed PIPE & SPIKE emitting electrodes can generate a desired amount of corona for a particular application. The nails welded to the pipe provide sharp points for higher corona emission. The number of nails per meter of electrode decides the corona density. With our experience in various applications, we can engineer the correct characteristics of corona densities. The corona density requirement changes from first to the last field and a suited design for individual filed is engineered. A continuous fabrication line produces high-quality electrodes as per the desired user specifications.

To know more, please check IFI.

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